Friday, October 21, 2011

13 Days of Halloween: Day 3

" There is something haunting in the light of the moon; it has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul, and something of its inconceivable mystery." - Joseph Conrad

Happy Friday everyone!

{All photos taken by me}

Thursday, October 20, 2011

13 Days of Halloween: Day 2

Halloween just isn't the same without a pumpkin or a jack-o'-lantern. Pretty soon I'll be taking a trip to go pick out a pumpkin or two to carve for Halloween. I love pumpkin carving, it's one of my favorite traditions. It's so much fun and I always enjoy it. Also, I love finding new pumpkin carving designs and patterns to try out every year. Although I very much enjoy pumpkin carving, I do understand how it also can be quite a hassle. It's messy, very time-consuming, you have to be very careful about making mistakes, you have to worry about it rotting once you carve it and you could maybe even injure yourself. Well the other day I found some really interesting no-carve pumpkin ideas from Better Homes and Gardens and Home Made Simple  that maybe some of you might want to try out. I'm even thinking about maybe trying one of them out this year...

Stenciled Pumpkins. I really like this idea. I like the look of the black design on white, it looks so pretty.
Rhinestone Pumpkin. This one looks really cool too. You decorate your pumpkin with some black rhinestones and then you put a fake crow on top, which adds a bit a of spookiness to it. What I find interesting about it is that you can just decorate it with the rhinestones if you want or you can just put the crow on top, either way it would still look pretty neat.
Silhouette Pumpkins. This one's also pretty interesting. Here there's some carving involved, but all you do is you carve out the inside and you carve away just a bit of the outside around your silhouette design. So you can get a real nice glowing effect that's almost similar to that of a jack-o'-lantern without having to worry about cutting through the rind, which can be real thick sometimes.
This is great. Instead of a jack-o'-lantern try a junk-o'-lantern. If you got any junk laying around your house attach it to your pumpkin and make whatever you want out of it.
This one's my favorite. I love the idea of a chalkboard pumpkin and I've seen them on many other sites before. What's great about this one it is that all you really need is some chalkboard paint that you can paint or spray on your pumpkin yourself. Then once it dries you can take any piece of chalk and write whatever saying you want on it or draw whatever design you want on it. Then if you make a mistake or you simply change your mind and want to try something else, you can just erase it. It's perfect!

Now I really can't wait to go pick out a pumpkin. I'll most likely end up carving a design from a  booklet that I usually buy every year around Halloween, unless I find a design I really like online. Although if I suddenly don't feel like carving or I don't have time to, I guess I've now got some other ideas I could try.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

13 Days of Halloween: Day 1

Can you believe that Halloween is less than two weeks away?! I mean it's amazing how fast this month just flew by. Anyways, now that Halloween is less than two weeks away I thought it'd be fun to do something special. So I came up with this little countdown of my own celebrating 13 days of Halloween, in which basically everyday from now on until the end of October I'll be posting all sorts of things that are isnpired by or related to Halloween.For Day 1, I thought I'd kick start the countdown by posting some past drawings of  mine that are all sort of Halloween-esque starting with my very popular Nightmare Inspired Sketch, which is obviously very Halloween-esque since I had inspiration from "The Nightmare Before Christmas". Along with some of my drawings I also included snapshots of two sculptures of mine that I made as projects in High School for sculpture class. One is a sculpture of a possessed toy known as " Undead Duck"  from once again "The Nightmare Before Christmas", obviously you can tell this is one of my favorite Halloween movies and that it's one that often inspires me. The other sculpture is of Coraline's doll from the movie "Coraline" which I thought kind of looked Halloween-esque. I would have liked to have posted other pictures ,especially of the sculptures, but unfortunately my camera batteries are pretty much done and I have to go get some more. So come back tomorrow to see what I'll post for Day 2 of the 13 Days of Halloween. Hopefully I'll post a lot earlier if I don't sleep in really late like I did today,oops. Also, I'll be posting some other things as well that aren't exactly Halloween-related that you guys might be interested in, but the majority of what you'll see everyday for the rest of the month will have to do with the 13 days of Halloween. I'm so excited now and I hope you guys are too!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Artist's Block


I think I've been having a bit of artist's block lately, which has caused me a lot of frustration. Hopefully, I can finish up some sketches that are almost close to being done and then post them so that I have something new to show you guys. Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Old Sketches and Drawings

Hey guys, I'm sorry I didn't get to post the other day like I promised. I thought I'd make it up to you all by posting some other various sketches, drawings and doodles that I've done over the years.The oldest is the one of Jiminy Cricket, which I drew when I was 12. I'm still planning on posting a lot of new sketches that I've been working on, but it's just that it's taking me a lot longer than I thought to finish some and then of course sometimes inspiration strikes and then sometimes it doesn't and I had to take a few breaks for it to strike back up again. So I might be able to upload and post some tomorrow, but just in case if not tomorrow they'll definitely be up sometime in the next couple of days. Till then, I hope you enjoy seeing some of my old sketches and I also hope that you liked the two new sketches in little preview that I gave.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Hey everyone! So I've been really busy drawing and sketching for the past few days and I'm still working on some, so hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to upload and post all of them. For now, I hope you guys like the two I posted above as a way to give you all a bit of a sneak peek. Be sure to check back tomorrow or the next day to see the rest. Also, it's officially October which means 30 days till Halloween! It's one of my favorite holidays and I'm planning on doing something special here on the blog to celebrate it, but more on that later.
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