Wednesday, October 19, 2011

13 Days of Halloween: Day 1

Can you believe that Halloween is less than two weeks away?! I mean it's amazing how fast this month just flew by. Anyways, now that Halloween is less than two weeks away I thought it'd be fun to do something special. So I came up with this little countdown of my own celebrating 13 days of Halloween, in which basically everyday from now on until the end of October I'll be posting all sorts of things that are isnpired by or related to Halloween.For Day 1, I thought I'd kick start the countdown by posting some past drawings of  mine that are all sort of Halloween-esque starting with my very popular Nightmare Inspired Sketch, which is obviously very Halloween-esque since I had inspiration from "The Nightmare Before Christmas". Along with some of my drawings I also included snapshots of two sculptures of mine that I made as projects in High School for sculpture class. One is a sculpture of a possessed toy known as " Undead Duck"  from once again "The Nightmare Before Christmas", obviously you can tell this is one of my favorite Halloween movies and that it's one that often inspires me. The other sculpture is of Coraline's doll from the movie "Coraline" which I thought kind of looked Halloween-esque. I would have liked to have posted other pictures ,especially of the sculptures, but unfortunately my camera batteries are pretty much done and I have to go get some more. So come back tomorrow to see what I'll post for Day 2 of the 13 Days of Halloween. Hopefully I'll post a lot earlier if I don't sleep in really late like I did today,oops. Also, I'll be posting some other things as well that aren't exactly Halloween-related that you guys might be interested in, but the majority of what you'll see everyday for the rest of the month will have to do with the 13 days of Halloween. I'm so excited now and I hope you guys are too!

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