Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Well these last few weeks of August have been quite interesting. As you all know I live on the East Coast, so basically I spent most of last week making a few preparations in the event of Hurricane Irene. I mean my family and I didn't really go overboard with preparing for Irene. We mostly just stocked up on a few supplies and we moved around a lot of valuable things since we expected mainly heavy rain, strong winds and some significant amount of flooding in our basement, all of which we got. However, when I woke up Sunday morning I didn't exactly expect to see this.
I mean this was just insane, the road had completely turned into a river. I spent most of the morning outside taking pictures of it, because I just never actually had seen this much flooding in my area before it was almost unbelievable.
It was just amazing how much water there was and how high it was too. There was so much water that my neighbors actually brought out their kayaks, because they thought it would be funny to see if they could take a short kayaking trip down the road and so they did.
I know some of you might be thinking that that isn't really an ideal thing to do during a flood, but it was really funny and it helped to kind of lighten the mood a bit. Also, it made for a real nice photo don't you think? As I was taking pictures of the flood, I started to get a bit nervous since I noticed that the water looked like it was getting a lot higher and I wasn't sure if it was going to go down anytime soon. Fortunately for us we really lucked out, because as soon as the afternoon came around the tide started to change and with the help of the wind the water just started to recede by itself. Within less than an hour it was gone, so we got real lucky. We managed to luck out with a lot of things, including the fact that no trees collapsed in our area and we were especially lucky that we still had power. I was especially grateful for that, because the MTV Video Music Awards were also on Sunday and I was real glad that I didn't have to miss it. All in all, it wasn't as bad as it could have been and I'm real thankful for that. So anyways in other artwork-related matters, I didn't get done as much work as I wanted to. I have been painting the past few weeks and I was able to do a lot of painting on Saturday, since the only other thing to do was to stay inside and watch the news, but I got distracted so I have don't have much new work to show you guys yet. Although for the past few days I took pictures of some other work of mine and posted them on deviantart .Here's some.
Paint Bottles

The Forest and the Sad Fairy

Sharpie Still Life
Evan Rachel Wood
Trompe L'eoil Still Life
I uploaded about 13 deviations. Most of them are old pieces that I hadn't gotten around to taking updated pictures of and uploading yet, although there is one of them that is new. Which is this one.
Watercolor Feather

I'll probably be uploading work throughout the week so be sure to keep checking it out. So that's basically what I've been up to recently. Now I'm going to enjoy the rest of the day and night since it is the last day of August which means summer is now coming to an end, very sad. So I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the day as well. I also hope that you've all had a great summer and I will talk to you again tomorrow. Happy Summer!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Skin Deep

I thought this would be cool to share. So last week my brother,Chris,went and got more work done on his tattoo. Earlier in the year Chris decided that he absolutely had to get another tattoo, so he went to the same place that he's been going to for the past few years,Tattoo Frenzy, and discussed a design with his tattoo artist Thom. Months later, this is what my brother has so far.
Needless to say, his tattoo is pretty epic. When Chris first told me that he was going to get another tattoo, I didn't know what to expect. The other tattoo that Chris has, which is the first tattoo that he ever got, was mostly our last name written down the side of his right arm. It's pretty cool, but I mean when he came home and showed me this I was blown away. Just look at some of the detail, especially the werewolf, it's amazing. Thom is a very gifted tattoo artist by the way, according to my brother he's one of the best, I mean just look at the work he did in the pictures above and you'll agree he's extremely talented. Check out his other work on the Tattoo Frenzy website. Now last week Chris went back for another appointment and he got this as an addition to his tattoo.
First, it started as being mostly just a werewolf tattoo. Then as he began to add more things to it such as the gravestones, it became a werewolf in a graveyard. He then added more skulls,gravestones and a corpse so now it's more like an entire graveyard scene. Here's another quick shot of what the whole thing looks like now.
Chris still plans to add a lot more to it. Frankly I can't wait to see what it's going to look like when it's completely finished. When it is finished I'll definitely make sure to take plenty of pictures.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy Friday!

Well it's finally Friday. I don't really have much to post about today, I'm a bit behind on my work so I'm mostly going to be spending the rest of the day and part of the weekend drawing, painting, taking and then editing pictures.
Also I've got other errands to run and chores to do, so I'm going to be a little bit busy. I may post though during the weekend to make up for the week I was absent, but if I don't I hope everyone has a happy weekend and a happy Friday!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Frances Bean, All Grown Up

Recently everyone's been talking about the pictures from Frances Bean Cobain's photo shoot with fashion designer and photographer Hedi Slimane. As someone who very much admires and appreciates photography, I got to say that I think these photos are pretty awesome and quite mesmerizing. Slimane is obviously a very talented photographer, these photos are just stunning. Frances Bean looks beautiful and very badass at the same time. Here are some of my favorite shots.
As you may or may not already know, Frances Bean is of course the daughter of Kurt Cobain, the late and iconic lead singer of Nirvana, and rocker Courtney Love. Naturally that piqued a lot of people's interests in the photos, including me since I am a Nirvana fan myself, and it is pretty amazing to see Kurt's only daughter all grown up and looking a lot like her parents, especially her father.
In those two shots above she resembles her father so much it's almost kind of spooky. Although she still looks a lot like her mother as well.
Quite mesmerizing, I'm very much tempted to even draw one of them. You can see more photos from the shoot at Hedi Slimane's Website. Frances Bean has got quite an interesting style, I wouldn't be surprised if she becomes the next fashion icon. Either way we'll definitely be seeing more of her. Speaking of which, the other day some new photos surfaced from a different photo shoot that she did with photographer Rocky Schenck.Here's a couple of them.
Here she channels more of a soft, 30's glamour look instead of a hard, edgy, rock and roll look. Be sure to check them out. Also, today is the 18th of August so that means that it is Frances Bean's birthday. So a very happy birthday to Frances Bean Cobain!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Simply Inspiring: Art Studios and Work Spaces

So sorry that I haven't posted in a while. I wasn't feeling that great this past week, but now I'm feeling a bit better so I'm back. Today I want to share some images that I've found of various art studios and work spaces that I think are simply inspiring. Someday when I get a bigger space, I hope to have an inspiring art studio and work space of my own. For now though, I have these to help give me some ideas.







Sigh...Someday. Anyone who's got a pretty neat and inspiring studio or work space of their own that they'd like to share, be sure to send me some pictures!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Deviations from the Norm

Earlier this year, about 5 months ago to be exact, I finally decided to join deviantart and post some of my work online. I had first heard of deviantart about a few years back and last year one of my friends, who is also a member, had suggested that I should start up a profile of my own and put up some of my work. For awhile I wasn't really sure if I wanted to, but then when I really started checking the site out more and more I thought that maybe it would be kind of cool. So far it's been great. I love being able to see work from some of my other friends who have their own profiles, as well as seeing amazing work done by so many other talented artists. Most of all it's been really great to have my work be appreciated and commented on by other people interested in art.I'd recommend it to any artist who wants to get their work out there and it's a lot of fun. Right now I have about 30 deviations posted so far and now that I've finally got the blog going I can start posting some more work again.Here are some pieces of mine that have been pretty popular, just to give you some examples.

                                                                    Voodoo Doll


I'll include more in another post sometime. For the meantime be sure to check out my deviant page ~imake-prettypics and if you're on deviantart maybe add me to your watchlist, please.
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