Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sketch Fun

Got bored the other day while I was taking a bit of a break from drawing, so I took a sketch that I uploaded in a previous post and got a bit creative with the paint shop program on my computer. I think my most favorite is the one in the middle, I love the look of hot pink streaks, although the rainbow hair is also pretty awesome as well. These were all just for fun, I plan on posting a lot of new sketches and drawings soon that I think you guys will really like.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Storybook Paper Roses

Hello everyone! I'm feeling much better and I'd like to share something I came across the other day that I thought was just the neatest thing.
DIY Storybook Paper Roses. Isn't that just amazing? I think it's such an adorable and creative idea. I love these kinds of crafty DIY projects where you can take unlikely materials, such as in this case pages torn out of an old storybook, and use them to create something that's so pretty and interesting to look at. Here's the entire tutorial that was featured on 100 Layer Cake, which actually has a lot of other cute DIY projects to check out and try. I would really love to try this one out if I can. Especially because I love roses and I also love arts and crafts as well as reading and writing, so making something that combines all three  of those things would be pretty awesome. Also, I'd love to have something like this on display somewhere in my house.

I guess I better go find a nice old storybook and start collecting pages!

{All photos via 100 Layer Cake}

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Feeling a bit Blue

I'm very sorry for my lack of posting during the past week. Lately I've been very busy drawing and sketching, and then yesterday and today I was feeling kind of down. I'm still feeling a little blue so if you don't hear from me in the next couple of days I apologize and I'll talk to you all again sometime soon. I hope everyone is well and happy! xoxo

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New Sketches

Since I just recently finished up a rather time-consuming painting , I haven't really wanted to start working on any new paintings or projects just yet. So for the past few days I've mostly been working on some quick drawings and sketchings here and there.
I'll be sketching for the next couple of days, so I'll have more to share with you very soon. Hope you all are having a good week so far.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Another Earth

This is a painting I just did recently. It's an image of a scene from Another Earth, an independent movie that came out back in July. I was really captivated by the look of the images and promotional stills from the film, and when I was looking at some of them I just kept thinking about how cool they would look as paintings or even drawings. So once I decided on the one I wanted to use I  sketched it on a canvas, got out my brushes and acrylic paints and I turned it into a painting. I've been working on it for awhile now and I've finally got it completely finished. Makes for a pretty interesting-looking piece don't you think? For anyone who's curious about the film, I wasn't able to see it myself since it's an Indie Film it came out in a limited release. Although I've heard a lot of great reviews about it and it even won a few awards at the Sundance Film Festival. I'll probably wait and see if it gets released on iTunes so I can check it out.

Friday, September 2, 2011

It's Friday

So Friday's here again. Originally I wanted to post a painting that I've been working on, but last night it was taking me a lot longer than I thought it would to finish it and then I started to feel very sleepy so...well you know.
Even though I didn't get to finish it for today, I do plan on working on it later and throughout the night until it's finished and then I'll surely post it right away. Till then here's a kind of work in progress sneak peek.

So I'll be spending the rest of the day just painting. I'll probably be drawing and painting a majority of the weekend as well, which will be real good since I'll then be able to have some more new work to show. Though I might take a few breaks from drawing and painting during the weekend to relax and have some fun, since it is Labor Day Weekend after all. So I hope you guys have some fun things planned and that you all enjoy yourselves. Happy Weekend!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Simply Inspiring: Tote Bags

Since it is now September, that means that Fall is right around the corner so it's pretty much time to start shopping for some new Fall fashion and accessories. One new accessory that I'd definitely love to get is a new tote bag. So lately I've been searching the web to find some stylish and artsy tote bags. Here's at least five that I think are simply inspiring and would really love to have.
  1. I Love Paris Tote Bag $45
  2. Antique Rose Tote Bag $29.95
  3. Van Gogh's Starry Night Tote Bag $29.95
  4. Degas' Ballerina Dancers Tote Bag $19.95
  5. I Make Pretty Pictures For a Living Tote Bag $11.80
If money wasn't an option I'd love to have all of them, because they're all just so awesome.
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